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 Life is full of struggles.  We all know the list.  "I want to lose weight, I want a deeper relationship with my spouse, I want to build my business, I want to be a better parent."  Life coaching can help you gain insight into making life changes in any area.  Each individual has their own set of challenges and that's why working with a coach helps so many people transform their lives.  


By peeling back the layers of your own boundaries a coach can help you reach a higher level of performance, a deeper sense of connection, and a whole new level of happiness and fulfillment.  Tony Robbins says that 80% of our success is our psychology, our attitude, our mindset, our emotions.  Only 20% is the mechanics and strategy. 


By transforming your CAN transform your life.







What To Expect

Sometimes it can be scary to share your struggles with someone else.  It's why people generally have "friends" and then they have that one person...a spouse, a best friend, a mentor...that they can tell everything to.  Why is that?  We inherently don't want to be judged.  That's where I come in.  I create that safe space, with zero judgement, to share your biggest dreams, to overcome your limitations and to find the resources you need to reach your goals and transform your life.


I get to help you find the psychology and the strategy to create the life that you long for.




First Step:  Strategy Session


The first piece is for us to get to know each other.  My complimentary Strategy Session offers you the opportunity to talk with me personally and ask questions about the philosophies of coaching, my approach and how the process actually works.  It gives me the opportunity to ask what you're hoping to accomplish through working with a coach.  How can I help?  Sometimes, clients don't know...they just feel "stuck"...and that's ok...sometimes the best goal to start with is to simply get "unstuck".  


Think of the Strategy Session as coffee with a new mentor.  It's the opportunity to share what we can both bring to the table and to lay out the strategy for our time together.


Second Step:  Getting Started


Just like when you're making new friends, it takes me a little bit of time to get to know you.  Our first one or two sessions are what I like to call "discovery sessions".  It's where you get to share with me what influences your world from day to day.  Tell me a little about your spouse, your children, your do they interact with your life?  Are they supportive of your dreams?  What do you do for a living?  Do you enjoy it?  It's kind of like creating a profile that only you and I can see.  This allows me to gain perspective of what happens in your world outside of our time together.  It allows me to ask good questions and offer inspiration and ideas that fits into your model of the world.  You can share as much or as little as you like, but keep in mind that by me knowing how you experience life daily, I can help you accomplish your goals faster.


Third Step:  Let's Get Busy!


Now that we've got a good understanding of where to start...let's get busy!  At the end of our discovery session we'll discuss how often you would like to meet.  If your goal is relatively close at hand and you're simply needing a few key resources to help with the last bit of the climb, we can schedule a couple of weekly sessions to help you make that quick ascent.  If you are wanting to completely shift the direction of life, love and career then we can look at selecting a weekly or bi-weekly time that we can look forward to working together.  Either way, you are in control of how many sessions you'd like and how often you'd like to meet.  


Sessions can be done via Skype, FaceTime, Zoom or simply on the phone whichever you prefer.  The only key is that it's best to have an isolated space, free from distractions, to maximize our time together.   Scheduling can easily be done online and modified online with 24 hours notice so there's never any fear of "losing" a session because of moving obligations on your end.


When Will I Start Seeing Results?


This is the fun part!  Some people walk away from their first session with a key phrase or idea that immediately takes hold for them.  For others, it can take a little longer.  Just keep in mind that it is truly similar to a mentor you would work with...the more you communicate, the more you are open to ideas and input, the more quickly you will progress.


One on one coaching is the core of what I do.  I LOVE helping people discover who they are, where they want to go and helping them identify the tools that will get them there.  If you haven't heard my story I truly encourage you to take the time to take a few brief moments to read through it.  It shares the coaching journey that lead to my own life transformation and why helping you is now my passion.

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