What's Your Default?
Stop and think for a moment. What is your default emotion? There are 3 things control your emotional state. They are...

Four Simple Steps To A Sustainable Small Business
“Help! I need more clients!” “I love what I do but I’m not making enough money.” “How do I turn this side hustle into something that I...

Taking Care Of Your Inner Child
Each of us have an inner child, the part of you who often comes out when your hurt, when you feel weak, when you are scared...or on the flip

Authentic 30
So many of us long for authenticity from those around us and from ourselves. Yet we wander, lost, not sure of who we are, what we want.

Shaming Sexuality
My husband had tagged me in this photo, proudly posting it on his timeline, proudly claiming the wife he finds beautiful, sensual,...

The 6 Human Needs - Pt 3 Love/Connection (intimate love)
love noun \ˈləv\ Websters definition: : strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties : attraction based on...

The 6 Human Needs - Pt 2 Uncertainty/Variety
va·ri·e·ty vəˈrīədē/ Websters definition: the quality or state of being different or diverse; the absence of uniformity, sameness, or...

The 6 Human Needs - Pt 1 Certainty
certainty noun cer·tain·ty \ˈsər-tən-tē\ Websters definition: : the state of being or feeling certain about something : something that...

Does Your Business Need A Marketing Makeover?
Is your online presence lacking luster? Do the words metatags and seo make you breakout in hives? Not to worry, here is an easy read with a

Work Harder, Work Smarter...or Just Change Your Rules
What if work doesn't have to be hard?