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Authentic 30

So many of us long for authenticity from those around us and from ourselves. Yet we wander, lost, not sure of who we are, what we want or if we truly have what it takes to get there. We flounder, afraid that who we truly are...isn't good enough. We keep waiting, for some thing, someone, some time to come along and help us feel connected, whole, worthy.

Part of feeling lost, is feeling alone on the journey, feeling like no one understands what you are going through and that your progress isn't fast enough. I'm here to change that.

Most people start each new year with a set of goals to "fix themselves"...their weight, their relationship, their career. I want to start the year with you...helping you feel heard, connected, understood. I want you to see that everyone, no matter how "instaworthy" their photos may be...everyone struggles. We have good days and bad. The secret to finding your sense of belonging is in finding your tribe...and finding yourself.

Join me, starting Jan 1 as I share with you the ups and downs of my own journey...and offer a safe space for you to share yours, to connect with others and hopefully find a "tribe". Surrounding yourself with like minded people who want to lift eachother up and create a community of support, encouragement and understanding is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

I'll share daily videos with you, some live, a few recorded, but all of them from the heart with glimpses of joy and sorrow, success and failure. Consume as time allows, engage whenever you can and most of all...always know...that you are so much more than "good enough".

Your friend in growth and giving....



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