2017 Vision / Purpose / Power

If you are a personal development junky like me, your newsfeed is FULL of new years resolution stuff right now. Planners, motivational sayings, software...all the stuff that other people have used to get organized and accomplish their goals. I'll admit, I download some of them, I've paid for a ton of them over the years. I've filled out the worksheets, posted the dreamboard above my desk and sometimes made good headway. The thing that I've found lacking though...sticktoitiveness.
So many of us do all the planning and just simply can't stick-to-it. Call it a diet, a lifestyle change, a wellness program...whatever you want to call it...keeping your promises to yourself always seems the hardest. Have you been saying you want out of debt for the past 3 years and yet the bottom line hasn't really budged much? Have you dreamt of expanding your business only to get caught up in the day to day and not implement the ideas you had on New Years day?
I've been there so many times I can't count them. But I found a solution.
See the problem wasn't my work ethic. I'm definitely one of those entrepreneurs that will gladly work 60 hours a week for 40 hours of pay just so I don't have to work for someone else. It wasn't my lack of knowledge, I've been a personal trainer, I've taken tons of business courses and I've been debt free in my past only to find myself back under the strain of credit card bills again. No...the problem generally comes down to one thing....focus driven sticktoitiveness.
I'm here to help you. Tony Robbins says that the quality of your life is directly connected to the quality of the questions that you ask. Over the course of the next week, I want to share with you some guiding questions that helped change the quality of my life by greatly increasing my "sticktoitiveness". They helped me find my soul mate. They helped me get out of a business I was fed up with and turn my passion for helping others into a coaching career. They helped me define myself in ways I had never thought of before.
I've found these questions by training with, studying and researching some of the greats...Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Mike Koenig, Jim Rohn, Marie Forleo, Chalene Johnson and more. I've pulled from their masterful insights to create my own questions and tools that I hope can help you find your own answers.
May this free gift help you find your Vision, Purpose and Power for 2017 and beyond!
Click Here to gain access to these life changing questions & tools!