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Come on, who really wants to lay on a couch or sit in a chair and overanalyze their past for a year of Mondays just so they can blame their parents for the fact that they can’t have the perfect relationship?  Not I. 

"WTH is a Coach?"

It's kind of like a counselor crossed with a good swift kick in the pants.  

Me?  I want someone who’s gonna hear my past, my present and my crazy big dreams and figure out how to help me go ninja on that old crap that’s keeping me from getting there!  


You have the picture of what you want, most people do (unless you’ve allowed yourself to stop dreaming and then boy oh boy are we gonna have fun!).   You just can’t figure out the next step, or can't seem to get yourself to take it…you’re stuck.  Or, the dream is so big that there is a mountain of steps in front of you and the fear of not making it to the top has somehow glued your feet to the floor.  Worst case scenario, you're not happy and not sure why.  Or you have some roadblocks that you just can't seem to get past.  No worries! I LOVE helping people figure out where they are, where the want to be and the action steps necessary to get there.


Just like your highschool or college sports coach…together, we can win this game.  As your coach it’s my job to help you identify your strengths, assist you in staying motivated and accountable to your goals, help give you the tools to redirect when you get off course and my favorite part…CELEBRATE WITH YOU WHEN YOU GET THERE!


Sound like a great game plan?  Or interested in more info? 


Schedule your free initial consultation today! click here

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