Masculine / Feminine Energy
I read an article recently that was somewhat disturbing instructing men to meet their woman's tantrums with a "good ravishing". Although...

Should I Hire A Coach?
I started working with a coach 5 years ago and it completely changed my life. In the first 12 months I had quadrupled my business, bought...

Little Girls
It's when I recall the dreams of my childhood that I always become the most inspired, focused and driven. I was told that I could be...

Are you your own worst enemy?
You know the scene...the people around you all calm, talking amongst themselves and the voice in your head is GOING OFF!!! Biggest...
One of the worst things you can say to an entrepreneur...
Ok so here's the deal. I'm a big fan of Marie Forleo. I get her videos in my inbox and they stack up for awhile till I have a chance to...

What's the difference between coaching and counseling?
Oh, you have NO idea how excited I am to answer this question because my calendar and my wallet were greatly impacted by counseling but...